Sunday, March 18, 2007

i ate him.

friends and foes, welcome back. in episode one of blahblahblahg, i introduced you all to dotdotdot and the like. i assume (leap of faith?), that like me, these themes have not removed themselves from your conscience, or sub, mind. in episode two, i not not you not possible aka moreofthesame...
...comet zigzag zigala... anyone else tired of plastic-spoon-circle-sculpture installation art? wanted to know how. now you know. but you'll have to make an appointment to see what is under his hat...
it is true. there was a meeting. i was there. now i am not there. that is all i am willing to say about that. please don't ask. i am deathly afraid of the evil eye.
i also don't want to talk about this.
bombay. that strip of lights is called the pearl necklace. i swear.
that was my 27th birthday party. it wasn't in india but i thought it was something you all should know about.
...this is twirling-neon machine in the train station tells you how much you weigh and then gives you some sort of personality-fortune-reading-thing. my weight was in kilos which i refuse to translate but the fortune said i was jolly, gregarious and warm aka f.a.t.
this is what happens when white girls dance in india.
at the bombay race track. my horse is the one with the arrow.
...the bar "Ghetto" in Bombay. all black lit. lint. dandruff. dander. dry skin. all.
...chowpatty beach, bombay. this is a man-powered (meaning the dudes below are pushing me in circles!) ferris wheel. also, home of the famous chowpatty massage. again, and i'm sorry for being so tight-lipped, but i don't want to talk about that.
...and now, kimbo slice...

and i quote,"Only Cannibalism unites us. Socially. Economically. Philosophically."
" Sons of the sun, mother of living creatures. Fiercely met and loved, with all the hypocrisy of longing: importation, exchange, and tourists. In the country of the big snake."
"It’s because we never had grammatical structures or collections of old vegetables. And we never knew urban from suburban, frontier country from continental. "
"The golden age proclaimed by America. The golden age. And all the girls."
" We had the right codification of vengeance. The codified science of Magic. Cannibalism. For the permanent transformation of taboo into totem."
"Screenplays. Screenplays. Screenplays. Screenplays. Screenplays. Screenplays. Screenplays."
"Against the vegetable elites. In communication with solitude."
" I asked a man what was Right. He answered me that it was the assurance of the full exercise of possibilities. That man was called Galli Mathias. I ate him."
"But what has that to do with us?"
alright. if you're still reading, next time i promise the gooseberry. promise. hugs kisses and the such

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